Friday, March 19, 2010

How much power really lies in batteries

Cologne --
Even when it comes to seemingly small amounts - the price differentials in the battery sector is enormous. Discount Energizer undercut each with offers, strong brands advertised products bring premium demands.
The question: Is there's more money and more power?
Check batteries in Stiftung Warentest
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Name: Energizer Ultimate Lithium
Price per battery (translated): 2.41
Overall Assessment: Very Good
Name: H + H Li
Price per battery (translated): 2.50
Overall rating: Good
Name: Conrad / energy lithium
Price per battery (translated): 2.48
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Panasonic Evoia
Price per battery (translated): 1.88
Overall rating: Good
Name: Varta High Energy
Price per battery (translated): 1.25
Overall rating: Good
Name: Duracell Plus
Price per battery (translated): 1.63
Overall rating: Good
Name: Energizer Ultra +
Price per battery (translated): 1.24
Overall rating: Good
Name: Varta Max Tech
Price per battery (translated): 1.75
Overall rating: Good
Name: dm / Profissimo Hi-Tech
Price per battery (translated): 0.24
Overall rating: Good
Name: Lidl / AeroCell Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.21
Overall rating: Good
Name: Penny / Mars Power Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.50
Overall rating: Good
Name: Aldi (North) / Top Craft Ultra Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.21
Overall rating: Good
Name: Rossman / Ruby Powerful Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.37
Overall rating: Good
Name: Duracell Basic
Price per battery (translated): 0.88
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Panasonic Xtreme Power
Price per battery (translated): 1.25
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Rewe / Yes! Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.25
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Varta Longlife Extra
Price per battery (translated): 0.88
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Duracell Powerpix
Price per battery (translated): 1.00
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Panasonic Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.75
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Camelion Ultra Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.75
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Daimon Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.25
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: market purchase / Good & Affordable Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.21
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Ucar Gold Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.79
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: Conrad / energy Alkaline
Price per battery (translated): 0.88
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Name: H + H Top Power
Price per battery (translated): 0.75
Overall Assessment: Satisfactory
Stiftung Warentest exactly looked. The results were surprising: This is one of the winners, although expensive testing brand lithium batteries, but also the "cheap" versions can convince.
Tested been increased by 26 AA batteries (AA), three lithium batteries. Best Value for money: the discounted batteries of dm, Lidl and Aldi (North and South). All for just 20 cents each, and have obtained all the overall rating of "get well".
HERE's the entire test.