Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chaos in the U.S. stock market - Price Crash

WASHINGTON - Dramatic decision in Washington: Dermühsam negotiated compromise on denRettungsplan for the U.S. financial sector has failed.
In einerAbstimmung in the U.S. House of Representatives rejected the 700 billion U.S. dollars from 228Parlamentarier heavy package. Lediglich205 agreed.
Share prices on Wall Street reacted togetherness dramatic crash in the meantime more than five percent. The Dow Jones lost more than 700 points.
Grundsätzlichablehnen especially Republicans, the state intervention, voted against the program, leading to Demokratenund Republicans Sonntaggeeinigt only after marathon meetings were on. The Democrats voted in their majority for it.
"How to Go, all clear," said a Kommentatordes TV channel CNN. Presumably, there would be already in the near future einenneuen start. It is said that the White House is already working on einemneuen rescue plan.
Bush responded, according to a spokesperson with "großerEnttäuschung" to defeat. He would already meet in the near future being with close aides to zuberaten further steps.
The aim of the program was to set the Kreditflusswieder virtually frozen in motion and prevent further turmoil in denFinanzmärkten. Experts had warned again and again, if Washington does not set a clear sign of panic threatened undweltweite chain reaction in the markets.
In the wake of Wall Street has been the Japanese Nikkei index responds - he crashed by almost five percent.