Friday, April 30, 2010

Straub in the sky - Lobinger crashes

Ulm - Germany's pole vaulters, the power density is known to be close. That was this weekend Tim Lobinger at the German championships before 14,500 cheering spectators in sonnenüberflutetenDonaustadion in Ulm felt.
The 36 years' old Star "as a thankless fourth missed his eighth Cup start. EinTiefpunkt in his long career. For Lobinger, who now starts for Munich, could be fulfilled despite WM Standard (5.70 meters) in fourth does not qualify for the annual peak.
While Lobinger was inconsolable, was pleased the eleven years younger Alexander Straub (LG Filstal) on his first championship. Tobias Straub Leverkusen defeated the Scherbarth until the fourth round of the stabbing.
DasBerlin ticket booked) to the same level of third parties including Björn Otto (Uerdingen / Dormagen. The top four crossed over 5.70 meters.
HürdensprinterinCarolin Nytra and long jumper Sebastian Bayer climbed to within 120 seconds on the new Traumpaarder German athletics. The 24-year-old Nytra made on Saturday in hochklassigen12, 78 seconds perfect hat-trick perfectly.
Two minutes späterbuchte also her friend with the world-class performance of EUR 8.49 Meterndas ticket for the World Championships in Berlin () 15. until August 23.
On the victory lap Carolin Nytra saw the 8.49 on the scoreboard lights and fell spontaneously to her friend's neck. The "win bonus": An intimate kiss. "Today, everything has fit: The weather was horny, andthe audience has pushed us forward," said the old and neuedeutsche champion over 100 meters hurdles.
A title-Hattricklandete the great World Cup hopes Ariane Friedrich: The high jumper from Frankfurt was with her win in 2.01 Meterpraktisch remained unbeatable, and perhaps also why fünfZentimeter three weeks under their old German record.
Only five centimeters fehltenHallen-Europarekordler Bayer to 29 years old German record desChemnitzers Lutz Dombrowski.
Almost in the form presented to the World Cup sprint aces of the DLV: Tobias Unger and Verena Sailer was quick to defend ihreTitel times over 100 meters. Unger was on his comeback in succession Verletzungspausen in 10.18 seconds on a deutscheJahresbestzeit.
With the first World Cup meet standards, he defeated Marius Broening (Tübingen/10, 24) and Alexander Kosenkow (Wattenscheid/10, 28). For Verena Sailer (Mannheim), it was the vierteTitel in series. In 11.18 seconds, she was still as fast as keineSprinterin Europe this season.
Discus Altmeisterin Franka Dietzsch had to absorb the other hand, again einenRückschlag. The 41-year-old from the SC Neubrandenburg verpasstemit the indisputable "Trainingsweite" of 59.09 meters elftenMeistertitel their wants but in Berlin in any case its tenth WMerleben. "I once said: If the young beat me, I on dannhöre. But with 60 meters I can not give up easily," said the triple world champion pretty frustrated. The 18 Jahrejüngere Nadine Müller of Halle celebrated with 59.98 meters ihreerste German championship.
Shot Put Nadine Kleinert had to plug in a überraschendeNiederlage. For the Olympia Seventh from Magdeburg reichtenmäßige 19.00 meters only to second place. "ImStoßarm signs of aging," said Kleinert, when asked about the reasons for dieenttäuschende performance. Has been dethroned the defending champion vonDenise Hinrichs (Wattenscheid), the six more inches understmals was pushed German champion.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sharks claim the crisis DEB Boss Summit

Cologne - Cologne, in the very Karnevalswahn - only the sharks in these days do not really feel the swaying.
To fool with the DEB! Sharks coach Uwe Krupp had advised assault jewel Flaake Jerome (17) to a change in a Canadian Hockey League reported (EXPRESS), the proposed KEC boss Thomas Eichin still most emotional.
"I think that was not even maliciously towards us, but simply being flippant. But should these gentlemen are times to think about what they are doing to us with such statements, "warns Eichin.
The Sharks CEO said: "We do as a club to break everything to encourage good young players, our brains, how we can improve it. And then the concept will be sudden: From Canada, there you are out of control - because I still barrel to his head. "
Flaake will not let the sharks, of course, move to Canada, which will tell them also to the DEB significantly again. KEC's motor sport director Rodion Pauels comes on Friday from his sighting tour in Sweden back - it will get the peace summit with the Association.
"We are talking to Franz Reindl (DEB-Club Director Search's note)," said Eichin. "We always maintain a good wire, and I think Reindl for a brilliant man, but sometimes it also needs to crack a few things are clarified. We place great value on things as a club to which the DEB should also attach importance. "
Also of interest
Krupp interferes with the sharks

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Investigations of Nazi salute

Remagen - The evil action has consequences:
At the opening of his exhibition "Atlantisis" Arp Museum in Remagen the Berlin artist Jonathan Meese repeatedly showed the Nazi salute. This was also the police at Remagen, and initiated an investigation.
But not only against the artist: Several people attending the opening returned the fascist salute. Also, it runs against a criminal investigation.
A spokesman for the police to Remagen EXPRESS: "When Mr. Meese will be necessary to ascertain whether this falls under the art of title. The visitors, however, have made themselves liable to prosecution in any case. "The governing § 86a of the Penal Code.
On Tuesday morning were still in the Koblenz prosecutor Press Horst dog against the buttoned EXPRESS: "Actually, the small stuff. And the prosecutor has better things to do than read newspapers. However, when the police noticed the spot and has our attention, we will act. "Fortunately, the prosecutor has attentive officials in Remagen.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hans-Hermann Schwick remains Arminia boss

Bielefeld - Hans-Hermann Schwick now remains but surprisingly Absteigers President of the Bundesliga Arminia Bielefeld. At the end of a chaotic annual general meeting, during which could recommend any of the original candidate, declared himself ready to actually already retired Schwick to lead the office for another two years.
Three hours earlier, Schwick, as announced, after 19 years had made his office available and already held an emotional farewell speech. Clock was at 0:55 Schwick (61) but again President. In an election, the bloc's new members of the Bureau adopted with 904 votes to 865.
The two candidates Daudel Klaus and Dirk Obermann, the fan-favorite of the influential community of interest "Critical Arminen" had waived after a total mess on a list for each election.
To what extent the result of the operation of local large companies (Dr. Oetker, Schüco, Gerry Weber), million to make investments that affect, is open.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I want to be in Cologne, a legend!

I'm sure to score a goal. Goals are my lifeblood. And they make people happy. The greatest reward for my double in Cottbus, there were at the airport of Ljubljana.
When I came out of the machine, I was waiting for my family. Mother and father had come ter my "sister, my niece and nephew. The small Uros I dedicate the two goals. He had last week's birthday.
But the FC fans that I dedicate the same results. I'm sorry that they see in Cottbus had such a bad game. We played lousy, honestly. With the football had little to do! But it just is.
If you make at the end of the gates, you're still right - and the luck on your side. Man, I had pork that Tremmel me put the ball at his feet. And when I did not think Elfer simple. Simply clean with the thing! I knew that I would meet again.
The five games without a goal, the 20 injections that I got in front of the game, the insults of Cottbus me could not make nervous. For I know that all behind me. Like the whole team. Without my ten players, I'm worth nothing. Together we got the 32 points that I am not alone.
That's why we have also met on Tuesday in the Old Town. It was a perfect evening. We had fun, but we also vowed to constitute a serious Cottbus. And we realized we need more such evenings. The stadium of friendship actually 14 friends were on the pitch. Everyone is running for the other, has for the other gekämpft.Ein friend asked me afterwards: Nova want to be you in Cologne legend? I replied: I do not cares to fail. I'm in the shape of my life and can still at least two years to play at this level.
I am particularly happy is the esteem in which I experience at the club. The Board has my compatriot Miso Brecko and put me after the final whistle by private jet to Frankfurt, so we got a flight to Slovenia on time and I could see my family more. This gesture I will never forget.
Only now do I even enjoy the moment. It is fast enough to be stressful. Because we are not yet saved. We still need four points, before we can celebrate. But then right ...!
More about Nova: Petit on Nova: "The boy has a nose!"> Overath on Nova: "For us he is worth gold"> thumb on Nova: "Wide awake at every opportunity '' Great balls for special items>
More Derby: Bayer boss Wooden Houses: The FC is Go>