Friday, February 5, 2010

Toni is hoping for a miracle

Cologne - He has not given up hope. He fights. But now, Manfred Schumacher (74) needs a miracle.
The father of Cologne goalkeeper Toni Schumacher, the legend is dying. The blast cancer has spread to his lungs!
These are bad days for the TÜNNES. For months, the European champion of 1980 almost daily visits to his beloved father at the bedside. But the hope that Manfred wins the fight is only negligible.
All therapeutic trials in a cancer specialty hospital near the home town of Düren failed. "It does not look good," said Cologne's goalkeeping legend on Friday, "my father takes morphine, so that the pain is not so great."
Papa Manfred - in real life just as much a grafter like his son on the football court. He worked in construction for years, ever breathed again a toxic asbestos and all other Baudreck says Toni. Smoking "And he also has times like one."
This hard life he now pays tribute.
The loss of his beloved father would be a further blow to the private runner-up twice.
Already 12 years ago, Schumacher (lost 54), leads to success at the time, the sports agency "Sport First" in Cologne, his mother Helga. She also lost her battle against cancer.
But maybe a miracle happens. "My father is a fighter. He is not so fast. Although the hope is small, it does not give up, "says Toni.